Day 155-- on smiling, and some good reasons to

I get a lot of enjoyment from the four block trek between my house and my workplace. I walked home late tonight; after closing up the shop, I watched "Lost" with a small group of friends. Some of us lingered and chatted about childrens' books and corny jokes and encountering people at Wal-Mart. So, after we called it a night, I made sure I had my gloves on and my hood snug and I headed home.

It's not uncommon for me to pray when I walk. On the way home tonight, I thanked God for splendor of His creation that I often take for granted, for friends and family that love me despite my pride and selfishness, for the trials in my life that ultimately end up glorifying God, for community and the selflessness of many within, for the cloud-punctuated blue sky that compliments the snow so well, for the written word, for grace, salvation, redemption and resurrection.

And I was smiling, laughing with joy. I've met some that think there isn't enough to smile about. I think--maybe--that way in the past. I'm sure I may think that again in the future. But as I walked home tonight, streetlights forging a selective path on the snow-blanketed sidewalks, I understood that no matter how cynical or jaded I may feel, there is never any shortage of things to be thankful or smile about.

posted, with grace and poise, by Jason @ 2/08/2007 01:13:00 AM,


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Al said...

Amen to enjoying the simplicity of what is all around you. I often times find myself doing the same actions when I am driving in my car, I talk out loud a lot...I am sure to other cars I look quite silly.

I appreciate this post, thank you!


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