Day 230
Monday, April 23, 2007
I haven't been awake for seven hours and this has already been the most stressful, chaotic day of my life.
But you know what?
I'm happy. I'm really happy. I've certainly cried a bit and had that tossy-turvy feeling swim in my stomach, but God has blessed me peace and joy. This was almost a surprise--I've spent much of my life drowning in worry, and I feel like a buoy has been pushed my way.
All of the financial and work and health-related things? They pale in comparison to the grace and love and majesty of a sovereign God and his Son.
P.S.--happy birthday dad! I love you.
posted, with grace and poise, by Jason @ 4/23/2007 01:23:00 PM,
- At 7:25 PM, Buddy Chamberlain said...
Happy birthday, Mr Panella! (sorry I'm late)