Day 350

One of my duties in Geneva's PR department is to keep an eye on print media for any mention of the college. I use Google Alerts to help me with this--I get an e-mail daily that has links to any online publication (which includes most American newspapers and, interestingly, 'blogs) that mentions "Geneva College." It's thorough--I bet I'll see my own 'blog in an e-mail in a day or two.

But the other day I saw a 'blog that mentioned GC, and--though I'm only supposed to keep tabs on newspapers/TV news sites and the like--I dived in to read it. For fun.

Turns out it's about my adviser from my college days, a man I admired as a professor and friend. The 'blog writer is a woman who had him as a professor when he taught at a college in the Midwest. It's a lovely, well-written post about his writing, kindness and family. It's easy to become accustom to the thoughts and feelings of your community; sometimes seeing the thoughts of someone from the outside--across the country, even--can remind you that you're not the only one who has interaction with the folks in your community.

posted, with grace and poise, by Jason @ 8/21/2007 09:10:00 PM,


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