
Entertainment blitzkrieg:

Concerts in the Pittsburgh area (that I deem important),

09/29- Built to Spill (w/Helvetia) @ Mr. Small's. One of my favorite bands at one of the most frustrating crowded concerts. I think I'll pass; I've seen them a zillion times, and they draw a really obnoxious crowd in the 'burgh.
09/30- Cracker (w/the Elms) @ Rex Theatre. Underground rock legends with Christian power poppers. I'm sort of speechless (guess that means I have to keep typing).
10/24- Lovedrug and Brandtson @ Mr. Small's. Chances are I'll be the oldest person there. At least I can hang out in the 21+ area in style.
10/27- Frank Black (w/Reid Paley) @ Mr. Small's. Black is playing with a backing band filled with Nashville/classic rock veterans.
11/04- Los Straitjackets @ Rex Theatre. Someone, anyone, please come see them with me. It will change your life.
03/16/07-03/17/07- the Bad Plus @ Manchester Craftsman Guild.

In film/TV news,
On the music front,
On the lit. front,

posted, with grace and poise, by Jason @ 9/15/2006 10:56:00 PM,


At 2:47 AM, Blogger Twixmixy said...

"10/24- Lovedrug and Brandtson @ Mr. Small's. Chances are I'll be the oldest person there. At least I can hang out in the 21+ area in style.
11/04- Los Straitjackets @ Rex Theatre. Someone, anyone, please come see them with me. It will change your life."

Yeah, concernts! I'll do it. I'll even be 21+, so we can still hang out in the back.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Carnahan and Ellroy would indeed be a dream pairing, ossibly to rival Hansen and Ellroy .. it sounds like the Black Dahlia just sucks, but I'll still find out for myself on Sunday

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Buddy Chamberlain said...

How do you share such great news with me all the time, Mr. GreatNewsMan?

Matthew Sweet AND Damien Jurado with new albums in the works? The Elms in concert? Frank Black in concert?? BtS in concert???

I understand your reasons for skipping the BtS show up there, though. I'll probably try to catch them in Raleigh next month. Janet is making me jealous by getting to go to all these great shows in the 'Burgh, though. Best city to see a rock show in, hands down. Asheville is a close second.


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